The Paint Studio
| Commissioned Portraits & PaintingsI will need good clear workable photos. Snapshots are the best, caught in the action of everyday life and character. Most studio photo portraits look stiff and formal, but if you want a more formal feel to the portrait then those photos would be a good choice. I can combine one or more photos to create a family portrait. Create a beautiful wedding portrait from your wedding snapshots. I can also do a painting of your farm, old family homestead, painting of your home, or a special pet. ( Must have good clear photos ) Examples of Commissioned Portraits & Paintings
The possibilities for portraits and paintings are endless, if you have an idea call or e-mail today to discuss options and pricing. Standard Sizes, 11x14, 16x20, 18x24, 20x24, 24x30, 24x36. Custom sizes are also available. Call or e-mail for pricing. Heather JohnsonCall 304-642-1214 E Mail
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